27 October 2024 - Created by Barry Thompson ©
2024 - All Rights Reserved
Barry is a skilled photographer and
image maker who has achieved
several distinctions, including
uses a Nikon Z6II digital camera
and an Apple iPhone to capture
images, and he is proficient in
using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe
Lightroom to manipulate
As an LRPS (Licentiate of The
Royal Photographic Society), Barry
has demonstrated a high level of
technical proficiency and creative
ability in photography.
DPAGB (Distinction of The
Photographic Alliance of Great
Britain) is a higher level of
recognition that he has achieved,
indicating an advanced level of skill
and creativity.
BPE4 (British Photographic
Exhibitions 4 Crown Award) is
another significant accolade that
he has earned, showing that his
work has been recognised in
international photography
Barry's choice of equipment, the
Nikon Z6II digital camera, is a high-
quality camera that produces high-
resolution images. The Apple
iPhone is also a powerful tool that
allows him to capture images on-
the-go quickly. Both cameras give
him the versatility he needs to take
a wide range of photographs, from
landscapes to portraits.
Barry is skilled in using Adobe
Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom to
manipulate photographs. These
software tools give him the ability
to adjust colors, exposure,
contrast, and other aspects of his
photographs to achieve the desired
effect. He can also use these tools
to remove unwanted elements from
a photo or add elements to create
a composite image. He was
privileged to have two of his prints
selected by the London Salon of
Photography for their 2014
International Exhibition.
He previously spent many years as
an Adobe Photoshop tutor in the
Derbyshire Adult Education